The book of
1st Corinthians
Corinth was a giant cultural melting pot of 200,000 free and 400,000 slaves. There was a diversity of religions and moral standards. It was an important seaport on the Aegean Sea. It was situated on a narrow strip of land between two bodies of water. Instead of sailing all the way around to get to the other sea, most sea captains carried or rolled their ships across this narrow strip of land to reach the other side. This put Corinth right in the middle of the major shipping routes. Because it was so prosperous it was also full of corruption. Idolatry was rampant; there were a dozen pagan temples with thousands of prostitutes. Corinth had such a reputation that prostitutes in other cities were being called "Corinthian Girls". To be Corinthianized was to involved with gross immorality and drunken debauchery.
The epistle was written in 55 A.D. Paul was most likely in Ephesus on his third missionary journey when he wrote this.
© 2010 Doug Ford
No distribution beyond personal use without permission.
The doctrine of headship; the Lord's supper
Unity in diversity; the spiritual gifts
Order in the use of the gifts; for edification, exhortation and comfort.
The Resurrection.
Encouragement, exhortation and closing.